This scrapbook is made from an AJM "giant sized" lunch bag. When folded it measures approximately 6 x 6. 12 pages including front and back cover.

Front cover.

Page 1 & 2. Raised stickers read "
Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there" and "
her style".

Page 3 & 4. Both pages have pockets and stickers that read "
how we are alike" and "
what I love about her".

Page 5 & 6. Stickers read "
what we still laugh about" and "
what she's great at".

Page 7 & 8. Stickers read "
How do people make it through life without a sister?" and "
What she means to me".

Page 9 & 10. Stickers read "
her favorites" and "
her personality".

Back cover. Sticker reads "
funny things".

Complete set includes paper bag scrapbook with 3 pockets (bag openings), and three large tags that read "
dreams", "
favorite memories" and "
what she has done for me".
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